Black and White Wiki

A Scaffold

Scaffolds are used to create buildings. They can be made from the workshop.

For each scaffold, the player or craftsman disciples must supply the workshop with 2500 wood.

As wood is added to the workshop, a desire flag will be lowered. When it reaches the bottom, the workshop will start up, indicating the scaffold is being built (the player can see how much time is left before the scaffold is ready by hovering the hand over the workshop.

When it is ready, a sound similar to a mist-horn can be heard and the scaffold appears in the fenced area of the workshop. Up to three can be out at the same time and production will stop, should there be three scaffolds out already. Combined scaffolds occupy one spot (see below).

To make a new building, the player has to start by picking up the scaffold and moving the hand over the area where they want to build. The game will show a preview of what will be built there; each building requires a certain amount of space. The game shows the largest building that will fit at that place and can be built with that many scaffolds or fewer. The preview slowly rotates to show how the building will be oriented if placed at that moment. Right clicking when it gets to the desired angle will set the building site. Villagers will carry wood to erect the building, but it is possible to help them with trees and wood miracles.

Scaffolds can be combined, forming larger scaffolds, which in turn, are used to make bigger, more complex buildings. The list goes as shown below:


  • Combined scaffolds can be tapped with the action button to split one off.
  • Scaffolds from different villages can be combined.
  • Wonders will always be of the civilization that built most of the scaffolds, or the first in case of a tie.
  • Village centers will be of the civilization that built most of the scaffolds, or the first in case of a tie, unless placed near an existing building that is in a village without a center, in which case they will be of the same civilization as the existing building.
  • Any other buildings will be of the civilization of the village they are placed in, regardless of which made them.
  • If a village has homeless villagers, the game may not allow the building of civic buildings until they have a home. Also, a village can only have one center, store, crèche, and graveyard; multiple workshops can be made to speed up scaffold making.
  • Which variation of the abodes can be built depends on which have already been built in the village; a village with more large variations wont allow more large ones until more small ones are built.
  • Scaffolds can be put into a village store to be turned back into wood.
  • Scaffolds can be dropped without being placed as a building by shaking the hand left-right a few times. This is mostly useful to put them through a vortex.
  • Combining scaffolds outside of a workshop's fenced in area will cause the combination to be made into a building site, and will often make them unable to be picked back up. This can be used to create buildings where the game might not otherwise allow.
  • Some villages have planned abodes that they can build if their village gets crowded enough; they may do this even if a player has built another building there.
  • When loading a saved game the workshop output spots may be freed, allowing the workshop to create more, and resulting in multiple single scaffolds in the same spot.
  • Scaffolds put through a vortex may change to another civilization; scaffolds made by what the game considers the first village will always belong to the first village on any land. If a land doesn't have a village with that number it may take the type of the closest village. See the following table for how they may change:
Village # Land 2 Land 3 Land 4 Land 5
0 Norse Celtic Norse Norse
1 Norse Tibetan Norse Norse
2 Greek Egyptian Aztec Aztec
3 Celtic Indian Japanese Tibetan
4 Celtic Japanese Celtic Greek
5 Celtic Celtic Aztec Tibetan
6 Norse Norse Celtic
7 Norse Indian Japanese
8 Celtic
9 Greek
10 Indian
11 Indian
12 Indian
13 Indian
14 Celtic

(Lone buildings on lands belong to uninhabitable "villages", this is why this table lists more than there would seem to be. For example the Norse abodes used in Khazar's offense and defense tutorials are "villages" 6 & 7.)

