Black and White Wiki

Sleg guards the pass.

The Ogre is a silver reward scroll challenge, which can be completed in either a good or evil way. It will become available after completing creature guide's lesson about combat and it will be located near the giant figure painted on the land, outside the area of influence. Note that unlike the other silvers on land 1, this scroll will not be available when choosing the "Skip Creature Tutorial" option when starting a new game.

This quest involves finding a way past Sleg, the ogre, who guards a pass.

The Good Way[]

This one is very simple: the player has to grab some food from the village store (about 500 will do) and drop it in front of Sleg. He'll eat it and feel drowzy. Giving him more food will make him fall asleep, granting access to the chest he was guarding.

Reward: A beach ball and an increased heal miracle dispenser if The Pied Piper challenge has been completed in a good way, or a heal miracle dispenser if The Pied Piper challenge was completed in an evil way, or hasn't been completed yet.

The Evil Way[]

The player must send the creature to fight Sleg and win. The beaten ogre will faint, granting access to the chest he was guarding.

Reward: A beach ball and an increased heal miracle dispenser if The Pied Piper challenge has been completed in a good way, or a heal miracle dispenser if The Pied Piper challenge was completed in an evil way, or hasn't been completed yet.
