Black and White Wiki


The Siren miracle is the only epic miracle for good gods on Black & White 2... or that's what it looks like. This miracle summons a siren, which sings and bewitches all nearby soldiers and civilians, forcing them to quit their job and migrate to the enemies' town. For some of the levels (such as the last Japanese level) the player will find massive armies, in some cases far larger than the average town's. So in these levels this is extremely effective. This is the least powerful epic miracle, however it is not power which this epic uses.... This miracle is definitely well worth the value, for it can over double the population of a town. This works for evil gods as well, because the siren is used on massive armies, they can just recreate them in the player's own town. It costs a modest 400,000 tribute to buy.

Black and White
Offensive Miracles Fireball / Lightning Bolt / Mega-Blast
Defensive Miracles Physical Shield / Spiritual Shield
Creature Miracles Aggressive Creature / Enlarge Creature / Freeze Creature / Holy Flies / Invisibility / Loving Creature / Shrink Creature / Strengthen Creature / Weaken Creature
Settlement Miracles Miracle Food / Miracle Forest / Miracle Water / Miracle Wood / Storm Miracle
Other Miracles Flock of Birds / Heal / Pack of Beasts / Teleport
Black and White 2
Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield
Creature Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Water
Epic Miracles Earthquake Miracle / Hurricane Miracle / Siren Miracle / Volcano Miracle
Black and White 2 Battle of the Gods
Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield / Lava / Life / Death /